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spraying treatment中文是什么意思

用"spraying treatment"造句"spraying treatment"怎么读"spraying treatment" in a sentence


  • 喷涂处理


  • Diffusion treatment, relies upon an immersion or spray treatment .
  • " comparing to " traditional mechanical sand spraying treatment
  • Traditional mechanical sand spraying treatment
  • The nasal spray treatment would retail at $ 500 to $ 1 , 000 a year
  • In existing monotonous market of " sand spraying treatment of aluminum alloys surface " , there should be exploitation for the aluminum alloys surface treatment industry brought by advanced
  • In order to break through existing monotonous situation of " sand spraying treatment of aluminum alloys surface " and to pioneer the technology of directly etching cyber - flashing aluminum alloys surface ,
  • The results showed that compared with the current spray treatment method , the method was simple , without second pollution , with low cost and was completely practicble
  • Since finishing goods becoming more various with shorter production period , surfacing professions are difficult to use traditional mechanical sand spraying treatment to surface special big small or irregular aluminum parts
  • Since finished goods becoming cheaper in global competitive markets , surfacing professions face a big problem to surface such thin aluminum sheet without deformation using traditional mechanical sand spraying treatment . besides , a trend of aluminum cases becoming more various
  • The other is enterprises technologies center taking the technologies of nanomaterials manufacturing and value - added production as the breakthrough point targeting to achieve 3 - 5 technologies in the field of ion powder producing and spray treatment of cemented carbide
    企业技术中心以研究纳米材料制造技术和钨深加工技术为突破点,力争在等离子制粉、硬质合金表面处理技术等领域取得3 - 5项国内领先的成果。
用"spraying treatment"造句  
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